
仔细调查, 彻底根究的英文

  • bolt all the flour
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        仔细:    careful; attentive
        调查:    investigate; examine; inquir ...
        彻底:    thorough; thoroughgoing
        根究:    make a thorough investigatio ...
        详细调查详细调查:    detailed inspection
        详细调查:    close investigation; get to the bottom of; go into; legwork; scan
        浏览;详细调查:    look through
        彻底的调查:    thorough investigation
        彻底调查:    exhaustive survey; thorough investigation
        根究:    (彻底追究) make a thorough investigation of; get to the bottom of; probe into 根究缘由 probe into the cause
        仔细而彻底的检查:    skru:tini @ 5skru:teni skrutni
        仔细或彻底检查:    skru:tinaiz @ tenaiz skrutn9aizz
        仔细搜索;调查,探讨:    research (l03)
        细调:    fine adjustment; fine control; fine regulation; fine tuning control; shartuning
        基于调查万分仔细:    advocatus dei; advocatusfidei
        彻底调查一件事:    probe a matter to the bottom
        调查要十分彻底):    inquire
        仔细:    1.(细心) careful; attentive 仔细听 listen attentively [carefully]; lend an attentive ear to; 观察得很仔细 observe very closely; 仔细研究 study carefully; 做事很仔细 be very careful in whatever one does2.(小心) be careful; look out; cautious 看照片的时候仔细点儿, 别弄脏了。 when you look at the photographs, please be careful and don't smudge them.3.[方言] (俭省) frugal; economical 她过日子很仔细。 she is frugal of her expenses
        他们决定彻底调查这件事:    they determined to inquire thoroughly into the matter
        彻底:    thorough; thoroughgoing 彻底改变 radical change; permutation; 彻底击败某人 mop the floor with sb.; 彻底决裂 make a complete break with ...; 彻底抛弃 cast off once for all; 彻底破产 complete bankruptcy; 彻底胜利 complete victory; 彻底失败 thorough defeat; 彻底检查 overhauling; 彻底搜查 rummage; 彻底完蛋 collapsed totally; 彻底消灭 utterly destroy
        微调, 细调:    fine tuning
        微调,细调:    fine-adjustment
        细调杆:    fine control rod
        细调节:    fine adjustment
        细调零:    fine zero


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